Friday, March 30, 2007

Life in a Nutshell

Man writes his plans in pencil, but God has the eraser.

Friday, January 26, 2007

How did you score?

More importantly, does it matter?

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Word of the Day

tac·i·turn (tăs'ĭ-tûrn') pronunciation

Habitually untalkative. See synonyms at silent.

[French taciturne, from Old French, from Latin taciturnus, from tacitus, silent. See tacit.]


People who know me, would probably use this word to describe me (or at least one of my more dominant personalities).

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I was in a bar tonight, meeting up with an old friend from my college days.
I hadn't seen her in over 6 years.
I should have been excited, but I felt just the opposite.
There was quite a crowd that night.
And in that crowd, I realised something.
How desperately lonely & empty I was.

Who Am I?

I'm the sort of person who can feel completely alone in a crowded room.

I enjoy wide open spaces and tranquility, although they may not always be mutually exclusive.

I crave recognition, but I am completely comfortable with my anonymity.

I desperately want to find my place in this world, but worry about stepping on people's toes.

I long for happiness, but I have no idea how I get there.

I can be completely animated discussing the world in general, but completely awkward when discussing my own personal issues.

I don't always make the best first impression, so I use humour as a defence mechanism.

I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders even though I know that it's out of my hands.

This isn't a definitive description, but it's me in a nutshell.